======== my creation note today ========
When I try to write something about creating a song, the words don't come out a bit. Well I don't know anything. . I only need the right brain, but if I have recently started thinking a bit about my creations, I can still understand that it is born out of a Japanese style. In that case, you have to listen to the voices of ancient Japanese people. And I want to spread it to people all over the world with music. So I first introduced "Wabi" and "Sabi" in English (→ soundcloud). It feels like a way of doing what I do every day. . Sennorikyu tea ceremony road, Matsuo Basho haiku road. . Simple medium beauty, simple medium spiritual richness, elements of old age, loneliness, quietness, and stillness. . There is no concept of kindness for some reason, but I want to pursue something that adds kindness to it .. It will surely become something of modern Japanese. .
Spotify Playlist 11 hours streaming( would change your mind and life..)