
wind is dancing - #1994 by chair house 05312019

======== my creation note ========
I like the weakness of the sound. The performance is shared on the net as digital sound data as it is. No matter how delicate the touch, the harmony of hearing or not, I can deliver you the sound I want. What no one could ever do before. It can not be realized via music score or performer. New technology makes the art more valuable.


but please don't make me - #1993 by chair house 05302019

======== my creation note ========

Instinct, not reason, decides. It has already been decided. Right brain, not left brain. Intuition, not logic. It has already been decided. This is the essence of life evolution. No matter how beautifully decorated and concealed the appearance, the simple emotion directly connected to it is the essence of the person, and the desire to pursue only straightly.



he moved like the grass itself without effort gracefully - #1992 by chair house 05292019

======== my creation note ========

Primitive and rustic music connected directly to instinct. There is nothing like theory, logic, work or wisdom. With ten fingers and foot pedal operation, through the piano, the emotion that is the basis of one's heart, just like the ancient courtship song that was the origin of human language, like the society finch, as it is Turn it into a secret sound stream and deliver it to you.



he was there sometimes #1991 by chair house 05282019

======== my creation note ========

My piano music only characterized by being short and quiet. I create my own feelings as gentle and beautiful music, deliver them to you, move the mind, make them understand, and be happy. Though it is simple, this is the root of "what is art" and a direct concept. I want to reach that phase early.



if she talked to him one more time - #1990 by chair house 05272019

======== my creation note ========

Contrasting Japanese paintings with foreign paintings. Senju Hiroshi, the master of Japanese art, says, "The characteristic of Japanese painting is the way of thinking that puts itself on the side of nature. I feel this is a word that tells the root of my creation. Based on his concept of "what is art", I feel that the spirit of my own creation is in a Japanese instrument but using a Western instrument.



she was sure of that - #1988 by chair house 05252019

##### creation note #####

The flow of each sound fills the key pattern of the heart. A pattern that moves the mind. A key pattern created by all the experiences and memories that the person has lived. The delicate and gentle mind is protected by a solid protective wall. The flow of sound that opens the thick door in front. I want to reach your heart. .



he lived in strange haunted places - #1987 by chair house 05242019

##### creation note #####

8 billion human as a result of the earth life evolution for 4 billion years. All is built on the common basic architecture called the gene which memorizes the history of the life evolution equally. The music that is quiet, and is beautiful kindly reproducing the ideal environment of the heart that a gene demands for the root is a key opening the heart that is common to all people.



small unintelligible sounds came from - #1986 by chair house 05232019

##### creation note #####

With no big sound volume, no exciting sound, no passionate singing voice, no powerful rhythm, no sophisticated arrangement.. Series  of pure piano music it's quiet and gentle and with which they're just gentle. What kind of value does what kind of value this music has for you have for a whole body of mankind? The long travel which ascertains this. Travel of 4536 song creation. Ten years more.


I'd better be going - #1985 by chair house 05222019

##### creation note #####
Advanced digital technology is causing a music value revolution. Just like the best sound creation environment, the value of performance techniques is reduced, and the creation overhead is minimized. And various music is full. A revolution in which the feelings in the heart are created as they are as a short, gentle and beautiful music every day, delivered to you via the Internet and heard by people around the world.



let me be direct - #1984 by chair house 05212019

##### creation note #####

I will never forget when I first heard Debussy's "claire de lune" . Nap time. I always heard only Czerny, Beyer, Sonatine and so on, but the mysterious, warm and beautiful music has been heard. Melody and harmony you will not forget once you listen. Above all it is free temperament. Advent of the kindly beautiful goddess. will not forget.



the eyes the voice the face the silver hair - #1983 by chair house 05202019

##### creation note #####

I want the music to have a beautiful sound flowing quietly and gently, like the afterglow of the moonlight, like water flowing, naturally as the wind blows. The thoughts in the heart are diffused through the piano as a combination of the sound, silence, and reverberation of all the pitches in the world space. And I want to reach you and move your mind.



this landscape appealed to his minimalist leanings - #1982 by chair house 05192019

I understand it at the moment I listened to it. No matter who hits the keyboard, the sound comes out, but it is a freely controlled music that is completely controlled, suppressed, and unified with a beautiful sound. A wild and untouched rustic natural beauty. Is this still a Japanese concepts that Rosanjin says? It sounds like a traditional Western musical instrument, but if someone plays in the mind of Japan you will listened to Japanese sounds.


his hand moved toward her - #1981 by chair house 05182019

It's perfect, so I like a piano. All sound worlds can be created by themselves. Its range is infinite and small of the sound can also be expressed delicately gently. The suspension Tin pedal is different from other keyboard instruments, and it's possible to handle reverberation freely and create the harmony with the new sound which comes. The nice instrument which can create everything of the sound world a person would like to feel.



and held her again for several minutes - #1980 by chair house 05172019

It may be a journey that follows my own memory. 
It may be a journey that continues searching for the key of the melody of the sky that is full of the aurora, the glow of the white race, the beautiful full moon hidden in the tower, the angel's flapping, and the memory carved in my mind. 
I am on a free journey to find the keys of sound in an absolutely infinite and indestructible world. .


in the Mediterranean sunlight - #1979 by chair house 05162019

There have been several piano music that I was shocked at the moment of listening while I was alive. They still rule the innermost of my heart. Debussy,  Faure, Satie, Ennio Morricone, Schumann. I am overwhelmed by pianistic beauty. Creative combination rhythm of right hand and left hand, hidden arpeggio, betrayal bass. A melody that remains in the heart.



vehicles for reflecting the light - #1978 by chair house 05152019

There is no trial and error. In the flow of a moment, I foresee the form I  want to be, and I will achieve it by simply playing it. Sometimes it's more beautiful than I think, sometimes it's not. Going forward little by little with this big feedback feedback. And I want to deliver it to you in the flow, in a natural way, in a mental way. .



both of them had been avoiding it - #1977 by chair house 05142019

I don't care much. I let it flow as it is. Harmony sometimes thinks that it is better to reduce the number of notes, and it is better to open more intervals, but there are not many issues with recent performances. Just as it rains, like a stream of water, like a stream of spring, your hair blows through.



or sometimes he would just lie beside her - #1976 by chair house 05132019

##### creation note #####

Mystery of the sound felt to be beautiful is in the gene. The snail organ from which sound is changed to a nervous impulse is a core. It's synthesized as sound, but a chord by more than one sound reads chord composition including pattern recognition by a snail, is solved and notifies a brain as reorganization information. The sound which produces the comfortable nervous impulse group for the brain based on memorizing will be beautiful sound.


she took him upstairs - #1975 by chair house 05122019

I don't care much. I let it flow as it is. Harmony sometimes thinks that it is better to reduce the number of notes, and it is better to open more intervals, but there are not many issues with recent performances. Just as it rains, like a stream of water, like a stream of spring, your hair blows through.



in a voice somewhere between fair and good - #1974 by chair house 05112019

Mystery of the sound felt to be beautiful is in the gene. The snail organ from which sound is changed to a nervous impulse is a core. It's synthesized as sound, but a chord by more than one sound reads chord composition including pattern recognition by a snail, is solved and notifies a brain as reorganization information. The sound which produces the comfortable nervous impulse group for the brain based on memorizing will be beautiful sound.



here's his bracelet - #1973 by chair house 05102019

Great Japanese Artist, Shikou Munakata's hand-drawn picture was judged by a program of appraisal. It's pleasant forcedly by an example and beautiful. Then there was divine revelation. The power at which I aim, this and, don't you have that?. it's probably drawn in a moment by a similar touch each time. Still the all works quiver person's mind intensely. This is the heart. I should have that so and, something to want to have that so. Divine revelation.


she knew what was in the small padded envelope - #1972 by chair house 05092019

Sheet music is a musical record medium. The tune and time are recorded by digitized information. Digitization information fits in essentially, but to record the pleasant tune time has been created as originator's free analog information originally, so sheet music-ization makes an abundant expression about this time disappear. The present way to share recording just as it is is essential.


a long way from home - #1971 by chair house 05082019

I listen to my music at various times. Before playing, during playing, just after playing, when creating data, when confirming the final on the iPhone, and later to select the best songs to make an album. Curiously, the impression of the song changes each time. Some may continue to glow, some may suddenly begin to glow, and others may become dull. The essence of true beauty may be there.



she could visualize him - #1970 by chair house 05072019

Dramatically heighten your concentration although the reason why is not understandable.
The reasons would be followings; [1] Improvisation music based on human's mind activity, ZERO mechanical and technical element included [2] Short, not boring, music, [3] Fully original, not listened, music, [4] Calm, Intelligent, Gentle and Beautiful music..: Information 110 tunes, 4.5 hours.



and wonderful feel of a man who knows how to love - #1969 by chair house 05062019

“Piano Ten Thousand Leaves” Project is inspired by “Anthology of Ten Thousand Leaves”, which is the oldest existing royal collection of Japanese poetries ranging from AD347 through 759; that is 1700 years ago.
Unique feature of the original Ten Thousand Leaves is that selected Wakas are created for wide variety theme of love, beauty, tranquility, nature, death, life, illusion and family, by every layer’s men and women, from the emperors to the common people; fighter, farmer, officer, entertainer.. Indeed, this is the adolescence literature borne at the dawn of Japanese culture.
This original anthology contains 4,536 poetries, and most of them are in Waka-style which has a five-line poem with the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable structure. Limited expression; style, length, and rules, emphasizes the value of the poetry.
In my piano improvisation style I found some similarities in “Anthology of Ten Thousand Leaves”. That is, tranquil, intellectual, gentle and beautiful, short piano improvisation… Short length, original, free, spontaneous, vivid, creative, sense of love, meditative.. etc. So, as a result, I wanted to start this project. 



He Moved Into The Lane And Down It - #1968 By Chair House 05052019

Bill Evans wrote about Japanese aesthetic value in his liner notes for "Kind of Blue" album.

"There is a Japanese visual art in which the artist is forced to be spontaneous. He must paint on a thin stretched parchment with a special brush and black water paint in such a way that an unnatural or interrupted stroke will destroy the line or break through the parchment. Erasures or changes are impossible. These artists must practice a particular discipline, that of allowing the idea to express itself in communication with their hands in such a direct way that deliberation cannot interfere. 

The resulting pictures lack the complex composition and textures of ordinary painting, but it is said that those who see well find something captured that escapes explanation. ... "

SOMETHING is a key for Japanese aesthetic value I believe. I'm always searching for it.. Happy if I could get it in future, and it is my goal.. : )



But There Are Other Meanings Of The Word - #1967 By Chair House 05042019

Yugen is also an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. The exact translation of the word depends on the context. 
In the Chinese philosophical texts the term was taken from, yūgen meant "dim", "deep" or "mysterious". In the criticism of Japanese waka poetry, it was used to describe the subtle profundity of things that are only vaguely suggested by the poems, and was also the name of a style of poetry (one of the ten orthodox styles delineated by Fujiwara no Teika in his treatises).

Yūgen suggests that which is beyond what can be said, but it is not an allusion to another world. It is about this world, this experience. All of these are portals to yūgen:
(from wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_aesthetics#Y.C5.ABgen )

In my project, I always want to pursue subtle and profound beauty like ancient masters.. : )




Wabi is the Japanese aesthetic of trying to find beauty in simplicity, and spiritual richness in frugality. For instance, the most famous tea master, Sen-no-Rikyu(1522-91) valued decorating his the hut with a single wild flower. In other words, wabi is a philosophy based on enjoying separation and release from the materialistic world and attaining a peaceful state of mind. (from "A Guidebook to Jaspan and its Customs" of Nihonbungeisha by MUKAI,Kyouko)
In my primal music project, I want to establish the same way in the music culture.



but I could't take my eyes off that picture - #1964 by chair house 05012019

my creation note

  I saw a program of Mr. Shiko MUnakata, who was a famous Japanese woodblock printmaker. A powerful work group full of intense fundamental beauty while being simple. In its creative process, from the height of somewhere, or something in the board, something is digging in with a touch of anger in a blink of an eye. When I was a child, I was impressed by seeing a flower in a wheel and it seems that "Haa, this is beautiful" as a way of life. It is strongly affected.
