
she knew he understood - #2116 by chair house 09302019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

I feel like I'm starting to see my direction. In other words, mastering natural, primitive and simple music. It has nothing to do with the rhythm that is carved by the machine, and there is no pre-determined melody or repetition, and the day's encounters are recorded with the fewest sounds in the world with the weakest touch in the world. This is my way.

*** 11 hours spotify play list ****

Hitoshi Yasui, chair house, roppongi, tokyo, japan



there was a little melodic figure in the first measure - #2115 by chair house 09292019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

I like playing with the sounds on Ichigo-Ichie, "Once-in-a lifetime opportunity". I love the lonely sounds that dance in the natural wind. If it is the creation of something new and beautiful concept that is isolated from the musical culture of human beings who have already arrived, which is isolated from the values brainwashed by the music business, that is a my greatest happiness. The essence, however, is still simple and fundamental, mild ...



you need to know what I'm about to say - #2114 by chair house 09282019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

Although the music comes down to myself, it can not be created like I like. It depends on the direction of the wind at the moment that it is derived from the first sound and what kind of music it will grow up. If I attempt to manipulate with intention, it will be fragile and collapse. A strong feeling will serve as a signpost, but if weak, a kite with thread break. What do I do ... Well that is fun, but ...

*** 11 hours spotify play list ****

Hitoshi Yasui, chair house, roppongi, tokyo, japan



he was the one who took the picture - #2113 by chair house 09272019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

Dazzling rustic music, tense feeling filled with margin, naturalness of flowing sound. Like a sudden one-piece wind, music that is born and flowing at this moment in life only. There is no aim, no preparation, the beauty which the as it is, as it is, the feeling in the mind becomes the music as it is and overflows. It can not be helped because it likes this style ...

*** 11 hours spotify play list ****

Hitoshi Yasui, chair house, roppongi, tokyo, japan



however difficult that may seem to you at first - #2112 by chair house 09262019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

Black and white has more impact than color. The ink painting full of the margin strongly insists on the perfect world view. Music is the same. When one player conveys a big feeling with a small number of sounds, an unexpected world view is generated. Piano is the best instrument. Complete instrument with all the range and volume. The simple and calm performance can create a world with infinite depth.

*** 11 hours spotify play list ****



without any conscious plan - #2111 by chair house 09252019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

Although skill is unnecessary, it is necessary to be able to express in musical thoughts drawing in the moment. It is not skill, logical, or theory, it is important to accumulate experience that enables understanding of essence of sound flow and finger interlocking. It is vital that the feeling can lead the whole and create tunes. For that, it is important for me to experience and listen to many music.

*** 11 hours spotify play list ****

Hitoshi Yasui, chair house, roppongi, tokyo, japan



some curious trick of the mind - #2110 by chair house 09242019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

When playing, I sometimes think this is the greatest song. Often when the mind enters a certain state.  The problem is that when you listen to the songs that are finished as a result later, there are many cases of mediocrity. Things that feel good when playing do not produce results. I am at a loss what to do. It is one of future training.



and the trail becomes a forest place where nothing has ever gone - #2109 by chair house 09232019

======== New Selection Album just released! ========

Happy if you enjoy this and add these tunes to your playlist.

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves: 15th selection album
In every Streaming Music Service

======== my creation note today ========

I want to be the weakest touch pianist in the world. Usually difficult. This is possible because you play a digital piano. Piano recording is a fight against noise, but it doesn't exist digitally. Therefore, even if you play softly, the sound follows faithfully. The intensity of each sound can be controlled freely even with multiple chords. It is a new way of expressing the piano.


he slowly looked up at me - #2108 by chair house 09222019

======== my creation note today ========

Modern times where information is flooded. Dynamism of people's emotions is diminished in inverse proportion to the increase in information volume. The original music that leads to the root of the human mind is the music necessary for refreshing the tired mind of modern people. There is no mechanical rhythm there, there is no mechanism to surprise, no tricks to play. A pure, fundamental quiet and gentle natural sound flow.



and I said to myself - #2107 by chair house 09212019

======== my creation note today ========

The sound that I fell in love with. Piano sound reverberating in a huge temple. The reverberant sound is the same as the low sound heard in the mother's womb (I wonder). Fast sounds, strong sounds and complex chords are all noisy. So piano music in this world is only quiet, simple and gentle. The world of the kindness of all people comes down.


a few nights later - #2106 by chair house 09202019

======== my creation note today ========

The music that is the basis for those who grow up in the mother's womb is universal music around the world. Regardless of whether you are conscious or not, whether you like or dislike, the root music is the origin and commonality of the person. To that end, I choose gentle and beautiful sounds and create natural and rustic music. I want to fill the world with beautiful music filled with tender feelings.

a few nights later - #2106 by chair house 09202019

======== my creation note today ========

The music that is the basis for those who grow up in the mother's womb is universal music around the world. Regardless of whether you are conscious or not, whether you like or dislike, the root music is the origin and commonality of the person. To that end, I choose gentle and beautiful sounds and create natural and rustic music. I want to fill the world with beautiful music filled with tender feelings.



but these were the best by far - #2105 by chair house 09192019

======== my creation note today ========

Where is the memory of the first music? A lot of fundamental memories will be stacked in front of the remaining memories. Is it a lullaby or sound of cradle? Going back further, you can experience the sound in the mother's womb. Conversion sound of heartbeat and external sound. Again, this is the origin of the person and the origin of being loved.


the light came across the water just right - #2104 by chair house 09182019

======== my creation note today ========

Simplicity is the most important attribute. Being simple is equivalent to being all. Rustic expressions are expressions comparable to the whole universe. I want to be simple, humble and calm anytime. On that basis, it is a pleasure of creation to convert every day's natural change into a flow of sound while accumulating one by one.



he looked out at her from places far away - #2103 by chair house 09172019

======== my creation note today ========

Music is born in the state of heart. And now, in the morning time of making songs every day, I have always been quiet and gentle. This is a great miracle. If you can continue the miracle of a calm and quiet heart, the important thing is how it can evolve in daily time every day ...


I ask myself over and over - #2102 by chair house 09162019

======== my creation note today ========

Every morning, while receiving music coming down from heaven, it is glad if there is evolution little by little. As the everyday weather changes, as the everyday moon changes, as the everyday ocean changes, just like a quiet new wind blows, as a proof that I am still alive, the energy of my  feeling for you is being crystallized and accumulated.


his long absence - #2101 by chair house 09152019

======== my creation note today ========

If the feeling that you want to convey is clear, it is important whether the feeling is successfully transformed into a melody. There is neither logic nor theory here, and I do not know the trick or pattern that works. It is a possibility to play with singing like George Benson. 
I think I will try it once. That might be good.


so slowly it came around through the intersection - #2100 by chair house 09142019

======== my creation note today ========

I started this project with the sound I found one day. Beautiful but difficult to handle. I'm pursuing every day how to play this sound. It is suitable to play quietly and simply. Thanks to continuing to think strongly, I realized at the moment I met this sound. I realized that this sound was the sound I had sought in my life.


look at the picture of Mom - #2092 by chair house 09062019

======== my creation note today ========

There is a mystery of song creation in music selection for albums. When I listen to an old song that I forgot completely, the moment I listen to a song, my heart is shaken and I fall in love. Some songs don't happen. The pursuit of this difference should bring about its own evolution. The hint is still a melody. Because it suddenly switches on the mind ...


I'm not even sure if he went to - #2091 by chair house 09052019

======== my creation note today ========

Music has less amount of information than images and images, various expressions and recording methods are established and there is no room for technological development and the final form for humanity is the same as present. And music can be saved perfectly in simple form. In other words, it is an era where it is possible to create music that is the fundamental art for mankind and leave it forever.



looking inward - #2090 by chair house 09042019

======== my creation note today ========

Piano improvisation. Complete range, complete number of sounds, complete freedom. Begin without deciding anything in advance. There is no process to obey something. Performance in the tempo, theme, constitution, code and scale, nothing decided, the next moment is not visible to anyone. Suddenly when my mind changes like the wind, it just drifts over there.. . Zero reason music.



but she would stay for a few minutes - #2089 by chair house 09032019

======== my creation note today ========

The sound becomes smaller and smaller. Can I be the pianist with the weakest touch in the world? Then a bit of another problem occurred today. If weaken the touch, the sound of the keyboard of the piano may be delayed due to the caught mechanism. This requires a little attention. In the world I think that no one is suffering this issue, but this is a sensitive issue to me.



in her letter the one she put on the bridge - #2088 by chair house 09022019

======== my creation note today ========

The piano is a universal instrument in this universe. Creating music with a pleasant sound is fundamental. And the discovery of the octave, the discovery of the sound 5 degrees above, and the sound one octave below the sound 5 degrees above. It is related to the harmonics of the vibration. Naturally, 12 notes are assigned to one octave. The mystery of prime numbers. As a result, sounds in the audible range are reasonably assigned to a large number of keys. The theory so far is completely universal in the universe. The keyboard composition that composes an octave with seven white keys and five black keys will depend on the creature used. However, this keyboard design is not the essence of the piano instrument. So the piano is never a universal musical instrument for Western music, but a universal instrument of the universe.



he stayed away out of respect for her feelings about her family - #2087 by chair house 09012019

======== my creation note today ========

Although I want to be simple, I like the flow of complicated intertwined sounds.. Between the right hand and the left hand. Specifically, the movement of the finger on the right side of the left hand and the finger on the left side of the right hand is the key. I am pleased if it can become more abstracted music in the freedom movement released from rhythm and scale. Furthermore, it is the best if it is simple.
